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Showing posts from September, 2024

The Hobbit By J.R.R Tolkien Review:

 The Hobbit Book Review By J.R.R. Tolkien      oh my goodness! the Hobbit is amazing! if you haven't read it ask a friend and I am sure they have it for you to read. It is about a Hobbit going on a journey with dwarves and a wizard named gandalf to get gold that belonged to Thorin's (one of the dwarves) family.  They come to see a unexpected creature golim, and a shapsifter, and the learn many things about the dark lord and his rings that have much power for anyone. 

Jam Bars!!!!!!!

  Best Jam Bars Ever!!!  Yields:  12  serving(s)   Prep Time: 10  mins  Cook Time: 40  mins Total Time: 50  mins Ingredients 1   3/4   stick Cold Butter, Cut Into Pieces 1   1/2   c.   All-purpose Flour (you can use any flour you would like but it does not come out as well if it is gluten free flour.)  1   1/2   c.   Oats (quick Or Regular) 1   c.   Packed Brown Sugar 1   tsp.   Baking Powder 1/4   tsp.   Salt 1   jar (10 To 12 Ounce) Strawberry Preserves (or any jam) Directions Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Butter a 9 x 13 or 8 x 10 baking dish. Mix together the flour, oats, brown sugar, baking powder, and salt. Cut in the butter with a pastry cutter until it resembles coarse crumbs. Sprinkle half the mixture into the pan and pat lightly to pack it a little tight. Spoon strawberry preserves evenly over the surface, then use a dinner knife to carefully spr...