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Showing posts from December, 2024

Resistance Book Review By Jennifer A. Nielsen

   "We'll all die one day -no one escapes that fate.- our only decision is how we live before that day comes. Our path requires courage, but so does theirs. Both paths are ways to resist." "We've given our lives to God. Whatever happens to us now is all right."  "Let us be foolish then, because if we save even one life, we are the best of fools." Resistance by Jennifer A. Nielsen, is one of the books that you never want to end. It is so heartwarming and also horrible! there is pain, death and plot twists. there is so much depth and understanding of WW2 in this book even though it is fictional. and it is one of my favorite books of all time. MY favorite is Esther. she is very sweet and helps so much! I hope you find the helpful and read it. I recommend this for 12+ and rate it a 10-10!!!

Words On Fire (Book Review)

  "We're all at risk of becoming the snake one day. The moment we start to choose what's easy or safe, instead of choosing what's right, we start to become like the snake." "Control the books and you will control the people. Give them books, and the people will control themselves. Ignoring danger does not protect us from danger."  Words on fire is a fictional book. About a girl named Audra, who lives in a city that once was Lithuania and they still believe it though the Russians took over it and are trying to control them. Audra, lives in the woods with her parents and she has never really left. her parents thought it was safe. and on nights when her parents thought she was asleep she would sit and overhear there parents talking about how she was not ready for information what could that mean? her mother would say "one more year, please" One day she was told that she was to go into town with her father and have a festival her mother tried to st...

Legend (Book Review)

  Legend is a dystopian book. you get to read 2 different peoples perspective. Day and June are completely different people. June is a rich girl and is known by many people. Her brother Metias Iparis, is a spy/solider with his friend Thomas. (who is younger than him)  June is ahead by grades in her class and is top. after her brothers sudden death she is determined to find and kill the murder who people claim is Day.One thing about Day is that in all his heists he has never harmed anyone.  Day is a poor teenager and steals to get food and medicine for his family.  the one thing is that by the age of 12 (I think that is the age) every kid in school takes a test and if they get lower then around 80 they get moved out of the city and into camps. if they get higher then they get a pretty good job.  if you get a high score then you get a really good job. Day did not pass the test and was sent away from his family. he gets out of their place and becomes the city's mos...