A Wrinkle In Time is a movie created by Disney. I gave my book review on this and it was a 8-10. in this movie they add thing to a scenes, took out people in the story and even changed a girl in the book to a guy. I saw this movie on Disney and did not know what it was until me and my friends watched it. I rate this movie a 4-10 I honestly think they could have done a lot better. And they even took out the bibical parts to the story. Please read the book and watch the movie and then right in the comments below your thoughts.
The Hobbit Book Review By J.R.R. Tolkien oh my goodness! the Hobbit is amazing! if you haven't read it ask a friend and I am sure they have it for you to read. It is about a Hobbit going on a journey with dwarves and a wizard named gandalf to get gold that belonged to Thorin's (one of the dwarves) family. They come to see a unexpected creature golim, and a shapsifter, and the learn many things about the dark lord and his rings that have much power for anyone.