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My 5 Favorite Books! (Spoiler reviews!)


“We are Romanovs. The bond of our hearts-"
"-spans miles, memory, and time, Maria Finished.”

“Because I have a story I was meant to live. And not even you can unwrite it.

“He caught me watching him and grinned so brightly it put the sun to shame.”
“Every time he used my name, a different part of me melted.”

Romanov by Nadine Brandes is my favorite book right now at the beginning and end of the year.
(some books I read last year and the beginning of this year.)
this wonderful book is about the Romanov family and particularly  Anastasia Romanov. this is fictional book. They added and changed the story. for instance there is also a boy named Zash who she likes.
And at one point Zash is on one side of the firing squad..... And she is on the other......... I give this book a 10-10 and recommend it for 12+ 

“Igniters believe that for each Keeper that dies, one person is cured of the plague.”

“Your skin and plague don't define you.”

                                                                          "You sound like a woman"
                                                    I swept into a bow, the sword point pricking my stemrn
                                                                              "Why, thank you"

                                                       "I can see it in your eyes" she held my gaze, fury in hers. 
                                                                "you see only a lesser vessel. Slave Emma."
              I shook my head. "No" Finally, my thoughts and emotions clicked into place, aligned in my mind.
                                             And I had the words-The only words. "I see my Emma."

Fawkes Is a Fictional book about guy Fawkes son Thomas, who is pulled into a plot to Kill the king of England. there is  also a girl named emma who is already masked, Thomas's father Guy Fawkes would not come and give his son his mask so Thomas went to find him and that is when he was realed into the plot. 
Though Emma is an igniter they still are becoming friends and Thomas has to decide  between the plot and Emma. 
                                                           I recommend this for 12+ and a 10-10!

“A person can be educated and still be stupid, and a wise man can have no education at all.”

“Everyone gets scared at times. It's only the fools who won't admit it.”

“I never denied being a fool. That's the difference between us.”

“I need a sword first," I said. "People here keep taking mine.”

"How does it feel?" Fink asked.
"Like butterfly kisses, what do you think?”

The Ascending series is 5 books by Jennifer A. Nielsen About a boy named Sage who is a orphan who is taken/sold by a man named Bevin Conner. who wants to create a false prince after the murder of the royal family. there is a lot more to the story though I don't want to spoil it. 
Jenifer A. Nielsen does a great job on plot twists and such. this is one of my favorite series
 by Jennifer A. Nielsen 
I gave this series a 10-10! and recommend it for 11+

“We’ll all die one day—no one escapes that fate. Our only decision is how we live before that day comes.”

"We'll all die one day-no one escapes that fate- our only decision is how we live before that day comes. Our path requires courage, but so does theirs. Both Paths are ways to resist." 

"We have given our lives to God. Whatever happens to us now is alright."

"Let us be foolish then, even if we save one life, we are the best of fools." 

Resistance is a great book about Chaya, a young Jewish girl who was put in a different camp and was separated by her family. And she joined in the resistance group to fight against the Nazis. There is such devotion in her perspective and her thought. Her parents won't escape there camp with her they have grown to accept there fate after there brother was taken and sister sent to death camps in Lodz.
Esther a petty girl was sent as her partner and almost gets the group killed. Chaya does not enjoy her company but soon grows in friendship. 
I rate this a 10-10 and recommend it for 11+ 

“Books themselves are freedom. Freedom to think, to believe, to dream.”

“How do you destroy a people? You take away their culture. And how is that done? You must take their language, their history, their very identity. How would you do that?” I pressed my lips together, then looked up at her. "You ban their books”

“The moment we start to choose what’s easy or safe, instead of choosing what’s right, we start to become like the snake.”

Audra is an only child and has overheard her parents talk about telling her everything and her mother always pleaded one more year. Why? what was there to tell her? then one day Cossacks soldiers came and Audra wished she never overheard her parents every night when they thought she was asleep and her father went out to distract the soldiers while her mother and her ran away. 
she soon outran her mother and her mother was trapped in a wire and she gave her a secret package and said "go" and she ran away even though everything told her to stay and then she watched her house burn. 
when she opens the package it is a book. All this for a book! you did this all for a book?

I Rate this book a 10-10 and recommend it for 12+ 


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