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The False Prince By Jennifer A. Nielsen (BOOK REVIEW)


The False Prince is the first book in a series by Jennifer A. Nielsen. Her books I have recommended in the past. she makes lots of books and most about WW2. But, this book is a fantasy and is very good. Recommended by a good friend of mine.  

This book is about a boy named sage, he is a thief and an orphan. one night a man named Bevin Conner, comes and takes him to his home in Carthya. and there are 3 other boys who are on there way too. Sage is not one to be happy with someone taking him without consent. 

Bevin Conner wants to teach these boys for 2 weeks how to become a prince and then choose one to become a imposter of the late prince Jaron who is missing at sea for 4 years. Conner Knows that the king and queen and their eldest son were killed  and he wants to pretend that Jaron comes back and was in hiding for 4 years. 

Sage has a bad reputation with people and also is a very difficult character.  I enjoyed this book because of the suspense and there characters. there is a lot of different instances you would not expect. this book I would give a 10 out of 10.

and recommend it for 12+ maybe a mature 11 year old. there is a lot of different goory stuff in it, 


  1. I really like this series too! Can't wait to read the fourth 💛

  2. Read this book as well, very good!!


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