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Showing posts from January, 2025

My 5 Favorite Books! (Spoiler reviews!)

  “We are Romanovs. The bond of our hearts-" "-spans miles, memory, and time, Maria Finished.” “Because I have a story I was meant to live. And not even you can unwrite it. “He caught me watching him and grinned so brightly it put the sun to shame.” “Every time he used my name, a different part of me melted.” Romanov by Nadine Brandes is my favorite book right now at the beginning and end of the year. (some books I read last year and the beginning of this year.) this wonderful book is about the Romanov family and particularly  Anastasia Romanov. this is fictional book. They added and changed the story. for instance there is also a boy named Zash who she likes. And at one point Zash is on one side of the firing squad..... And she is on the other......... I give this book a 10-10 and recommend it for 12+  “Igniters believe that for each Keeper that dies, one person is cured of the plague.” “Your skin and plague don't define you.”             ...

The False Prince By Jennifer A. Nielsen (BOOK REVIEW)

  The False Prince is the first book in a series by Jennifer A. Nielsen. Her books I have recommended in the past. she makes lots of books and most about WW2. But, this book is a fantasy and is very good. Recommended by a good friend of mine.   This book is about a boy named sage, he is a thief and an orphan. one night a man named Bevin Conner, comes and takes him to his home in Carthya. and there are 3 other boys who are on there way too. Sage is not one to be happy with someone taking him without consent.  Bevin Conner wants to teach these boys for 2 weeks how to become a prince and then choose one to become a imposter of the late prince Jaron who is missing at sea for 4 years. Conner Knows that the king and queen and their eldest son were killed  and he wants to pretend that Jaron comes back and was in hiding for 4 years.  Sage has a bad reputation with people and also is a very difficult character.  I enjoyed this book because of the suspense and t...